imageYou may have already heard the news from Annabel, but the two of us simply cannot contemplate 2017 without the TBR Dare, now that James has stepped back from hosting it. So Annabel and I have stepped forward.

My dependency on this dare is due to a TBR well in excess of 1500 – go on, let’s round it up to 2000 – which despite my best efforts never seems to diminish.  So the opportunity to clear 30 or so from it in the first 3 months of the year is irresistible.

The full rules of the dare are available on the official TBR Dare website, but to clarify quickly: the dare involves reading only from your TBR as it stands (or falls as my book piles often do) on 31.12.2016 for the first three months of 2017.  As the idea is to have fun, the dare is not draconian, you can make as many exceptions as you will: shorter timescales, review copies, book group reads, etc. You may even buy books.  You just can’t read them until 1.04.2017!

Now I’ve taken the dare for the last 4 years, and I’ve never managed it without an exception or two. I don’t count myself a failure because of that. Nor should you. This isn’t a challenge set up to make us fail.  It’s a dare – dare you discover the neglected treasures you already own? If so, sign up here.  The more, the merrier.