OK,  so now I’m avoiding the ironing.  A good way to do it is by partaking in Katrina’s special Sunday Salon meme

I always meant to…
The author I always meant to read: Like Katrina, Angela Carter is someone I must read.  I’ve got her fairy tales twinned up with The Grimm Brothers’ originals.  I think that should make for some interesting times.  Also Anthony Trollope.  But there’s so much of his, that I don’t know where to start.  Advice please.
The author I always meant to read more of: You can see the authors I intend reading more of on this list prepared for my own reference.  Once an author is on this list, I do find myself picking up their work fairly regularly.  One title to add:  Charles Dickens – Our Mutual Friend.
The genre I always meant to try/read has to be graphic novels. I bought one once! The Maus trilogy has languished in the TBR for over a year.
The book on my tbr pile I always mean to read next is The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. Given the accolades it receives, I can’t fathom why I haven’t got round to it yet.
The book I always meant to try again is Disgrace by J M Coetzee – because I’m the only person in the world who hates it.  What did I miss?

You know what, I’m setting myself a reading goal.  Sometime in 2008, I am going to remove all most of the above from my procrastination index!