I’m pinching this superb idea from Simon’s Stuck-in-a-Book and creating an alphabet of my current favourites.

A = Kate Atkinson (Anything except Human Croquet).
B = William Boyd (Slowly working my way through the backcatalogue. Here and here.)
C = Michael Collins, James M Cain
D = Roald Dahl (Because I refuse to grow up!)
E = Umberto Eco (The Name of the Rose)
F = Michael Frayn (Headlong hilarious, Spies superb!)
G = Janice Galloway, Andrew Greig from Scotland. And I’m a recent convert to Mrs. Gaskell.
H = Patricia Highsmith
I = Kazuo Ishiguro (I thought Never Let Me Go an understated masterpiece and I shall be reading Remains of the Day very, very soon)
J = Clive James (I love the humour, I love the intelligence …), P D James (I love Adam Dalgleish …)
K = Molly Keane (Good Behaviour funny but so sad ….)
L = Andrea Levy (Small Island is unbeatable.)
M = Brian Moore (So good he deserves a blog of his own ….)
N = Jo Nesbo (Detective Harry Hole doesn’t just drink, he’s a full scale alcoholic)
O = Panama Oxridge (Loved Justin Thyme to piecesWhen’s the second one due? )
P =
Ann Patchett (Bel Canto one of my personal top 10.)
Q = ?
R = Phillip Reeve (The fantasy of the Mortal Engines sequence is simply phenomenal.)
S = Theodor Storm (The master of the novella. See here and here.)
T = Leo Tolstoy (War and Peace is great, Prince Andrei is just delicious!)
U = Barry Unsworth (He received my vote for the greatest living British author last year.)
V = Fred Vargas (Quirky French crime)
W= John Wyndham (A maestro of science fiction), Edith Wharton (recent convert alert!)
X = ?
Y = Richard Yates (Miserable but ever so beautifully written)
Z = Stefan Zweig (Another master of the novella)

As I’m still working through the backlists of most of the above, I expect each and every one of these names to make further appearances on this blog during the next twelve months. Obviously I need some Es and Qs and Xs to complete the project. Any suggestions?